In our first of two, Tiffany interviews her friend, Ada, and asks why she chose an apprenticeship?
Our guest blogger, Sana Kazi, a Business Management Lecturer explains how to manage 'Imposter Syndrome' as a student and overcome self-doubt in higher education
Our guest blog is from the University Alliance who put together the #unimythsbusted campaign. What can we learn from it?
Anxiety is ever present, but it is how you deal with it. Anisha puts stress into perspective - using a fluffy cow or two to help
Following on from last months public speaking, Tiffany tells us about her experience at the Employer Excellence in Careers Education seminar.
Tiffany talks us through the pleasure and pain of public speaking - and where we can go to practice if we need a safe space.
Anisha explains its important to self critical but we have to have the confidence to know that our strengths can be weaknesses and our weaknesses make us who we are... its a tricky balance.
if you have a disability do not let this stop you from getting employment while you are at uni15/10/2024 Our guest blogger, Harrison Moore, gives some pointers as to what you need to consider when applying for work as a disabled student.
Anisha shares with us her experiences of gaining and working through her first internship - and what she has learnt that can help you.
Mohammad Touseef, our guest blogger, Deputy Dean & Programme Leader at Oxford Business College, explains how important making friends and support networks are when you join a new educational institution - no matter how young, or old.
Moj, long standing Push speaker and content creator, looks back at what influenced his career path - and how he got to where he is today.
As Tiffany awaits her A-Level results she reflects on her time at school, and what she learnt the most... which wasn't always the conventional 'learning' you would expect.
Anisha shares what she has gained from volunteering for a substantial period time i.e. not just your here-and-there-Saturday-role.
Tiffany gives some good advice as to how to decompress and use the break from academia to catch-up on your favourite things that you might have missed during the end of term madness.
Anisha suggests that journaling is a good way to clear the brain of the 'clutter' it might have acquired - whether as a creative practice, or practical way to get ideas down.
How shaking off assumptions of what University would be like, lead her to a positive outcome for her educational journey.
As its Push’s 30th Birthday this year, we are doing a series of blogs from each of the Push team. We have a representative from each decade of age, which will nicely supply you with a historical progression of the educational / work landscape.
Inspired by her year abroad, Anisha shares how we might find learning another language beneficial and most importantly, easier...
How do you look after yourself during exam season... Tiffany gives some suggestions to avoid 'information overload' and the dreaded, to-be-avoided-at-all-costs - 'burn out'.
This year has been my first outside of formal education. From finishing secondary school and going to uni, I’m going to consider what lessons a dizzying year without being ‘taught’ is teaching me.
Transitioning to higher education entails facing academic, social, and personal challenges. Mr Sarwar Khawaja of the Oxford Business College, talks us through why building a strong support system, including college networks, is essential for success.
We hear from the team at Skills Builder Partnership about why strong skills are vital for effective communication and can help you guide your next career move.
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We're always interested to hear from talented young writers, so if you'd like to feature as a guest author then hit us up for more details.