With new careers - and green careers - where do you start on knowing what is the best career for you? Our funny, impartial sessions will help your students reflect on their skills, abilities and preferences to help them embark on the right paths.
understanding employability
For your students, its vital they understand what employability is and how it will be pivotal to them getting their desired career path.
With the use of comedy and fun games we can help your students reflect on not only what they want to do in the future, but what skills they already possess that can get them there. On top of that, students will learn what skills they may need to work on to become more employable. These self-reflections will aid students in making an informed choice on what pathway they want to take, whether that be through college, university or an apprenticeship, to get to their desired career path. Learning Objectives - Students identify their own unique drivers and skill sets - Match these drivers and skill sets to requirements of diverse careers - Understand the role of education, experience and training in developing employability, including their current studies, higher education and other pathways |
- Years 9-13 | S3-S6 | KS3, 4, 5
- In School Session - 1-500 students - Webinar - 1-100+ on Zoom - Length: 60-90 minutes Gatsby Benchmark: 1, 2, 3, and 7. |
Make a life, not just a living
do what you love, love what you do
matching skills to ambitions
Application and interview skills - 'selling yourself'
Being able to confidently advocate yourself, whether to an employer or for higher education admission, is a skill that everyone can learn.
Push will look into the use of ‘showing rather than telling’ and how stories (not specific qualifications) can greatly illustrate a person's skill set. When students can reflect on their positive traits and skills they can apply that thinking in a ‘sales’ context; this could be for university applications, job applications, interviews or other situations. Through a dissection of TV adverts, we highlight the 3 key lessons of marketing to show what makes products successful. Ultimately, they will learn to be the best salesperson for a great product: themselves. Learning Objectives - Students will learn to see themselves from the perspective of an employer or university admissions tutor, understanding what makes them attractive as an employee or student. - Learn about Unique Selling Points and the importance of distinctiveness, matching to needs and being useful. - Grow in confidence as they realise how they are already a desirable and rounded person with potential to develop further. |
- Years 9-13 | S3-S6 | KS3,4,5 - In School Session - 1-500 students - Webinar - 1-100+ on Zoom - Length: 60-90 minutes Gatsby Benchmark: 1, 2, 3, and 7. |
public speaking skills
This session, run by a professional speaker, aims to explore how students can boost their text via stagecraft.
We explore pace, variation, movement, and verbal and non-verbal ways to engage an audience. We also look at voice, facial expressions, posture and gesture. And how to lift your words from the page - to engage an audience. The techniques are designed to be transferable to employer and university interviews, as well as boosting crucial 21st century soft skills in presentation giving and debate. Learning Objectives One Hour Session: - Techniques for oral and physical delivery of pre-prepared text - Engaging an audience by using your entire body, not just your voice Full Day Session: - All the above and help students write and build toward their own short delivery piece. - Once they have delivered their piece, they will learn how to give and receive feedback to improve the way we deliver oral information |
- Years 9-13 | S3-S6 | KS3, 4, 5
- In School Session or Webinar - Typically 90-180 minutes - 1-500 students in schools - 1-100+ students on Zoom Gatsby Benchmark: 1, 3, and 4. Skills Builder: Speaking, Impact Level 2 |